– Lori-Lee Regimbald

Homeschooling for us is not replicating school at home, it is learning all we need to learn through living life itself.

This journey is not for everyone.

It’s not even a journey everyone understands. “You homeschool?”
Well, we unschool.
“What is that?”
It’s just learning as we go. Whatever the kids are interested in, we learn about. They ask questions all the time, there is always something in our life that makes us want to learn more, so we just go with it and see where life takes us.

Feral children?

Well, maybe a little. But not at much as you might think. 
The children have rules, lots of them, and expectations.
They’re just not about academics.
We have a general schedule, which is especially important while I’m solo parenting to help them feel secure, but they also have learned to be flexible because sometimes life does happen.

So if you’re interested or learn more about what we do, follow along. Hopefully we can help change the stigma of homeschooling in Canada and/or unschooling, and maybe we can even help deschool you, just a little.

Categories: Life Learners

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