I have three Little Life Learners, First Born is 7, Middle Born is 4 and Last Born is newly 3.

Why do we homeschool?

  • We live in Ontario where kids start full day every day Junior Kindergarten when they are three if they turn four before the end of the calendar year. As an Early Childhood Educator, I felt this was far too young and decided to just… Not.
  • The more we learned about homeschooling, the more it made sense. As a military family, having a consistent education no matter where we live is huge. Not only that, but being able to spend time with Daddy when Daddy isn’t deployed or away for training, while not needing to worry about missing school, is a huge bonus.
  • Not to mention being able to travel and go to museums and activities when it’s not crazy busy or having to work around a school schedule is very appealing.

And then we discovered unschooling/Life Learning

  • Learning at their own pace based on their interests is the fastest way for children to pick things up
  • Not forcing an education, no fighting about worksheets or curriculum… Bliss
  • Children naturally want to learn. They are curious. They ask about a million questions every day! If you don’t know an answer, the internet is full of knowledge at our fingertips. Quench that thirst of knowledge.
  • Learning is everywhere, from reading signs to finding out how rainbows are formed to figuring out which is the best deal on paper towel. It is everywhere!

So now we can share with you how learning through living life works for us.
Come along, maybe you’ll learn some things!

If you’d like to learn more about homeschooling in Canada, here is a great source of information.

Click here if you’re interested in learning more about deschooling or unschooling.

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