When you’re a military family,
saying goodbye to the people you’ve grown to love
becomes your normal.
Unfortunately, when you’re a young child, it’s a little more difficult to understand.
When Middle Born’s best friend moved farther away than visits would allow, I used four years of photos and made a photo storybook for her and her best friend, Tornado, to have forever.
Although I won’t share all of the photos, will share the story with you:
“One evening, when Middle Born was a tiny little baby and Tornado was still in her Mommy’s belly, their moms met at a Montreal Region Military Spouses coffee night.
After Tornado was born, the moms became friends because they both loved baby wearing, cloth diapers and Nova Scotia where they were both from.
They had no idea what was about to happen…
Middle Born and Tornado became best friends!!
They played together and snacked together.
They made crafts together and cuddled together, and helped each other make really big messes!
They always had so much fun.
They played together every week.
Sometimes in the kitchen, sometimes in the living room, and a lot of times outside.
Sometimes there were even sleepovers.
Both became big sisters who loved their babies, and they loved each other’s babies too!
Then, when Tornado was two and a half, her family had to move to Ottawa.
It was hard to say goodbye but they could still visit each other sometimes.
And when Middle Born was three and a half, her family moved to Petawawa.
Everyone was so happy that they could still visit.
They did some really cool things together.
One day the news came that Tornado’s family had to move again, and this time it was really far.
It was going to be a great adventure but it was also a little sad to say goodbye again.
This time though, they knew they could video chat and call, send letters and pictures to each other.
They could read some of the same books and look at photos to remember all the fun times they’ve shared.
And sometimes, when it was really special, they were able to visit Nova Scotia at the same time and have a special day together!

It’s hard to love a best friend who lives far away, but these two girls have a super special love and no matter how much time passes, or how far apart they are, their hearts will always be connected.”
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