These moments, like the smell of a newborn head, are things you wish you could bottle and save to open and feel another day. 

You never want to forget them.

Time goes on, the children grow and change.

They need you less and they want to do things without you more.
The cute, sweet, make the oxytocin flow, moments become fewer and farther between.
There are always those moments, I think…. (I hope).
But they are different as they get older.
Your role changes, their sweet quirks change, and you really do wish these days back.

And then there are the crazy moments.

You know, those moments that drive you crazy.
When that newborn cannot be put down long enough for you to even pee in peace.
Or when you watch them chase each other around the house and scream.
Or when they just want to climb all over you every second of the waking day.
Those moments that you don’t think you’ll ever miss, but you might… a little.

These are the moments that we will wish we could get back some day.
Not just the awesome amazing moments but the crazy annoying moments too.
Because some day, these same children will no longer be children. They will be grown adults who (if we do our jobs well) will be self sufficient humans out in the world, being happy, and maybe even raising their own little humans.

And these are the days we will miss the most.

So, I know they say to “soak it up”, and it’s so hard in the moment… but do try to soak them up a bit. Maybe write down what you can, and take all the videos, and too many photos (and actually print some of them), because as long as these days are, and as hard as these moments are, you’re going to miss them. (Ok, maybe not all of them… but some of them for sure!)

Categories: Momma Musings

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