Well, my plan to update each week with things that we do didn’t last very long, did it?

Things got a little busy around here, with Middle Born turning nine just a few days before Christmas, and First Born turned 12 in the middle of January, I started a new course (I’m learning to be a professional pet dog trainer/Family Dog Mediator!) in the beginning of December, we had a super high needs little adorable foster puppy all over the Christmas break, which limited our activities exponentially, and, well, just life happens sometimes.

Some Unschooling highlights include:

  • Creating a set of instructions for a game the kids made up so they can teach it to their friends
  • Middle Child decided to start writing a story, so she’s been working on that for the last couple of months
  • Playing Poker with their Dad, who does not let them win under any circumstances
  • Exploring beaches and trails, finding rocks, shells, and bones to research and learn about, along with some seaglass
  • A ton of life valuable house hold chores
  • Creating with clay and other crafts, as well as some self led experiments
  • Enjoying the snow, learning the differences in density, building/constructing forts and sledding routes (with bumps/ramps, of course), effective shoveling, etc
  • Lots of board games, reading, and shows
  • Exploring where we live and seeing all of the cool holiday traditions
  • Learning the needs of a feral little puppy, so that we could teach him that humans and houses are safe (along with walking through doorways, and getting into cars, having strangers touch him, baths, and so, so much more)
This is a Christmas tree made entirely of fisherman bouys, many of them have names and/or photos of a fisherman who has been lost at sea. It was incredibly moving to see in person.
Our area is a major seafood fishing area, and it was pretty special to see some of the traditions and history that is used as decorations in the area.
One of the many creations built over the holidays. If I shared photos of each one, you'd never stop scrolling 😉
The kids take part in a local activities with other kids, sometimes playing sports and games, other times building things like Lego creations.
Clay is always a fun way to create and express ourselves, and these three created things and added stories to go with their creations.
Painting and creating is a big part of our at-home learning when we can't get out and about in the community.
A rock turned into a character, complete with a backstory... just a random day in our house.
Middle kid made a personalized pillow for her friend, and also made a matching one for herself, so they could each give their pillows hugs when they're apart and are missing each other.
This is Teddy, our little foster pup, with last born who really enjoys working with dogs and watching them learn.
We taught Teddy so many things: not being afraid to walk through doorways, jump into cars, be touched by humans are just a few of them. We're so thankful we were able to help him on his journey to find his family.
Before Christmas, we took a day and got dressed up to hand out some holiday cheer cards.
Not only did it make the day of many strangers, but it also made the kids feel so special and proud to spread kindness around the town.
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