Photo Cred: 2RCHA

Remembrance Days

Over the years, I’ve written my thoughts on Remembrance Day on Facebook so I thought I’d share them here 2011 Today is a special day set aside to remember those who have served and continue to serve their country. Today we remember the sacrifices that have been made and honor Read more…

Today was A DAY!

Most of the time, I love being with my kids. Which is good, because they’re with me all day every day. Unschooling is really great in so many ways, and I wouldn’t change it for our family. But you guys, some days are HARD. Today was A DAY! Between the Read more…

Best Little Friends

When you’re a military family,saying goodbye to the people you’ve grown to lovebecomes your normal. Unfortunately, when you’re a young child, it’s a little more difficult to understand. When Middle Born’s best friend moved farther away than visits would allow, I used four years of photos and made a photo Read more…

Off to the BatCave

We have a pretty amazing spot about 40 minutes away called Bonnechere Caves. Thousands of years old, hundreds of feet under ground, and a special spot for hibernating bats, we took the kids for their first visit (my husband and I have been there before, a few years ago). We Read more…


This August when the kids and I returned from Nova Scotia, there were giant weeds at the end of the driveway and they looked terrible. So out came the gardening shears and down went the weeds. Then I spied a rather large, white, yellow and black striped caterpillar. I showed Read more…

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